Redneck Mafia
It’s hard to write about something so unsolvable as the body. You don’t want to be too calculated about it, but everyone attacks with ideas about the body. Sometimes we even attack ourselves with ideas about the body. One dog longingly awaits his owner and one droplet of rain from the sky. My man drove off with the music and so I’m left here with my thoughts about the body. Honey, Honey what do you think of this broke down old hag? I had to climb the stairs one thousand times while men humiliated me saying don’t nag us so much, please don’t nag. My mouth was their mother’s mouth. My body was their wife’s body. It’s things like this that make you despise the body. Do bad things to the body. My hip was burning every trip up the stairs. I carried a cake shaped like a pot with a crab coming out the top up and down one thousand stairs. I stopped taking progesterone. I stopped taking walks. My ovary pounding, splitting, breaking open or something. No one will tell me what it is gives me this insufferable pain. Being a woman makes you want to cry all of the time. People think that women cry all of the time inherently, but if it wasn’t so humiliating we wouldn’t be crying. People look at you like an animal. It’s cliche. But people do look at you like an animal. and talk to you like an animal. You can tell they would eat you if you died in the room with them. The goal is to write a feminist poem based in shame. That is what it is to be a woman, this poem resists being a poem. After high-school, I stopped being a feminist because it’s embarrassing, almost childish, to stand here in this body and say anything. Especially I’m a feminist and I don’t mean what she means and she means and she means by it anyway. So I stopped saying it. I don’t think I should get paid more because I’m a woman, I just think everyone should get paid more. I thought the Redneck Mafia of Rowan County High was funny even though they wanted to wound me. I would have joined had I a truck. I am a naysayer but in the simplest of terms—a queer. I hate simple terms, but quite simply, Kim Deal’s body was beautiful to me. The Redneck Mafia was objectively funny. People wanting to hurt me for being a woman and for being not straight set me free. Less simply, you can see the walk of a girl who was popular in middle school through infinite time and space. I’m eleven and wearing my stupid red puffy pants I never should have worn. I don’t know what it is about the idea of the shade tree that has me under its thumb. My hand is a forced hand.